Salah satu daripada kandungan utama dalam Vivix adalah resveratrol yang telah terbukti dalam banyak kajian saintifik boleh membantu mencegah dan merawat kanser.

Antara kajian saintifik yang membuktikan keberkesanan resveratrol melawan kanser:

Kajian dalam Annals of The New York Academy of Sciences pada tahun 2011 melaporkan beberapa kajian awal menunjukkan resveratrol mempunyai kesan anti kanser.

Kajian yang diterbitkan oleh FACEB jurnal pada October 2011 menunjukkan resveratrol berjaya menghalang sel kanser payu dara daripada membesar.

Kajian yang dibuat oleh University of Nebraska pada tahun 2008 mendapatiresveratrol berjaya menghalang estrogen daripada bertindak balas dengan DNA dan menyebabkan kanser payu dara.

Kajian yang dibuat oleh University of Florida pada tahun 2011 menunjukkan resveratrol mempunyai sifat anti-carcinogenic yang boleh menghalang sel normal menjadi sel kanser.

Kajian yang dibuat oleh University of Kansas pada tahun 2012 menunjukkan resveratrol boleh membantu menghalang kanser prostate daripada membesar.


Vivix membantu merawat kanser dengan membetulkan DNA sel yang rosak supaya signal sel dapat diproses dengan betul. Ini akan menyebabkan sel-sel kanser yang rosak ini ‘membunuh diri’ melalui proses apoptosis.

Apabila semakin lama menggunakan Vivix, sel-sel kanser akan semakin berkurangan dan akhirnya hilang. Anda boleh teruskan dengan Vivix walaupun anda sudah bebas kanser kerana khasiat Vivix sangatlah banyak.


Saya kongsikan beberapa testimoni pesakit kanser yang berjaya dirawat menggunakan Vivix. Koleksi testimoni ini adalah daripada pengedar & pengguna Shaklee dari seluruh dunia.

Alhamdulillah terpancar kegembiraan dari pengguna2 VIVIX..

Mr. Law Chu Hian, merupakan pembaca berita NTV7..8 tahun dulu penghidap kanser..sekarang???
biar gambar berbicara..hihi!

Skin Cancer

In October of 2007 I was diagnosed with a Basel Cell carcinoma (skin cancer) on my left shin. The Dermatologist cut and scraped it out and asked to see me again in 6 months.

In July of 2008 the lesion had not healed and appeared to be even larger. We scheduled a surgical procedure to remove the entire lesion including going as deep as needed and excising healthy skin all the way around (about the size of a quarter).

In August I began using VIVIX. 4 weeks later, I went for the surgery and the cancer was essentially gone! I’ve been a dedicated Shaklee nutrition user for many years and VIVIX was the only difference in my supplement program.

– Ann & Ed Mangelsen

Child with Brain Cancer

I spoke with Megan’s dad yesterday, and he told me that it was one year ago to the day, November 19, 2007 that they rec’d the news that Megan, age 7, had brain cancerand her prognosis wasn’t good.

So the journey began the poking, prodding, chemo therapy, bedside vigils, etc. They were introduced to Shaklee and they started little Megan on Nutriferon andChildren’s Vita Lea. She began to show some improvement.

However, Todd told me that the real tipping point came in August with the introduction of Vivix; they began the daily Vivix, 1 tsp per day. Megan has shown remarkable progress ever since.

The neurosurgeons at the Mayo clinic told her parents that the type of tumor that Megan has DOES not shrink, not with chemo treatment. They were in disbelief when Megan’s tumor was almost undetectable.

Todd totally attributes her amazing progress to prayers which are so powerful but also to Shaklee’s Vivix along with the Nutriferon and vitamins.

The hope that he and his family have again is beyond words. I still find it very difficult to put what I heard in his voice into words. Todd touched me to the very depth of my being. This is why we do what we do, we are able to give people hope when they have none. God Bless.

Jeannie Foster

Breast Cancer

berminat untuk dapat konsultasi terbaik dari saya...silalah contact sy jangan malu, jangan segan.
nanti rugi...

Halimah Hashim
ID : 1066229

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